Another future candidate for tattoo removal?

Posted on 26 Apr, 2012

A teenager from Chorley has bemused friends and family by having a very unusual tattoo inked onto his thigh: a portrait of the current Mayor of London, Boris Johnson. The tattoo set him back nearly two hundred pounds, and the tattoo artists entrusted with the task has said it is one of the most unusual requests he has ever had.

Unlike many strange tattoo choices, however, this one cannot be said to have been chosen on an impulse. The nineteen-year-old claims he has been thinking about getting the tattoo for about a year and that he was stone-cold sober when he finally took the plunge.

So, strange as it may seem to the rest of us, this may not necessarily be a potential case for tattoo regret. Unlike many people who decide on an impulse to honour a partner or have a tattoo for comic effect, this teenager may not end up being a candidate for laser tattoo removal.

It is always important to think very carefully before heading for the tattooist’s chair: fashions change, couples break up, opinions and lifestyle choices evolve, but tattoos are designed to stay put.