A guide to laser acne treatment

Posted on 18 Jan, 2010

Acne can leave scar tissue when it’s not treated on time. Many people who have acne scars have moderate to severe scarring. However, laser acne treatment can help to fade the look of these scars.

What is acne scarring?

A person who is suffering from moderate acne commonly suffers from inflamed red pimples or pimples with a white centre. The red pimples are known as papules and the white ones are known as pustules. The pimples that appear on skin are mainly caused by bacteria, which grow inside pores.

Acne scarring occurs through irritation, breakage and inflammation and eventually results in skin damage.

Previously, acne was treated with various creams and medicines. However, these often didn’t have any effect on the acne. With the growing popularity of laser acne treatment though, individuals can treat their acne effectively and without any great pain.

Laser resurfacing

Laser resurfacing is a type of laser acne treatment which involves a simple and painless procedure to rid the skin of acne. With the use of laser beams, the top layers of the skin that are affected by acne are burnt down. The lower layers then start to form newer, clearer skin.

Laser acne treatment is now considered as one of the best ways of massively improving the look of your skin.