Confidence is a feeling that everyone is chasing. Feeling good within yourself is amazing for your mental well-being. If you’re someone that’s seeking to feel their best this year, then why not consider laser treatment? Here at The Laser Treatment Clinic, we offer a wide range of tailored services with the aims of making you look, and feel your very best. 

Is 2023 the time for you to invest in your body, health, and appearance? Below we’ll be discussing how laser treatment works and how it can help your self confidence. 

We believe that everyone deserves to feel their very best in their own skin. Our team of dedicated skincare experts can help you achieve the skin you’ve always wanted.

How does laser treatment work?

Laser treatment offers a highly effective solution to many skin concerns. Whether you are suffering from unwanted hair, acne, hyperpigmentation, burn scars, and much more: laser treatments can help. But how exactly do lasers work to help solve these issues?

Collagen is a protein found in the body that’s responsible for providing structural support to the skin and connective tissues. What this means is that when collagen is produced, it can help repair damaged skin and leave it looking healthy and fresh. Laser treatment involves stimulating the production of collagen in the target areas and encouraging new skin cells to grow and repair the damaged areas. 

This in turn, reduces the problematic areas on your skin and leaves you looking and feeling that much more confident!

Types of laser treatment 

If you’re interested in laser treatment then it’s important to know which type you’d want. There are two main types of laser treatment available, which have key differences between them. These two types are called ablative and non-ablative lasers. 

Ablative lasers involve removing the outlet layer of the skin and heating up the under layer. Removing the outlet layer encourages new skin cells to grow, which stimulates the production of collagen. The heat from these lasers are also effective in stimulating collagen production too. This results in firmer and smoother skin. 

Non-ablative lasers, on the other hand, do not remove and damage the outer layer of the skin. This is less invasive and ideal for people with minor skin concerns. The heat from non-ablative lasers stimulates the production of collagen so you get effective results. 

If you’re unsure on which type of  laser treatment is right for you then don’t worry. At The Laser Treatment Clinic, one of our skincare professionals will assess your skin and offer tailored advice to you. 

We have a wide range of laser treatments that are suitable for all skin types. Whether you need laser resurfacing, intense pulsed light therapy, or another treatment, we can make you feel and look as confident as ever.

With benefits such as firmer, smoother, and clearer skin, why not give laser treatment a try this year?

Please contact us today to start your laser treatment journey.