An 18-year-old Belgian girl had a major case of tattoo regret after making the decision to have 56 stars tattooed onto her face. Although she claims to have initially ‘adored’ her tattoos, she soon changed her tune when her father saw them and was outraged. The tattoos, which stretch across the brow, cheekbone, nose and jawline of one side of her face would certainly be impossible to conceal.

Faced with her father’s anger, the girl then made up a story about how she had requested only three stars, but then fell asleep. She said that when she woke up she had 53 more stars than expected and that the tattoo artists must have made a mistake…

Now, two years later, the girl has admitted lying about the tattoo artist’s ‘misunderstanding’, and will be undertaking laser tattoo removal treatment, which is expected to cost around £9000. While this case took an unfortunate turn for the tattoo artist, it does demonstrate the risk that tattoos may seem like less of a good idea once they have been done.

Laser tattoo removal is the most effective and safe way of removing the ink within the layers of skin.