Many people throughout the world have to battle acne at some point in their lives. There are many treatments that have been tried and tested but none have been completely successful in curing acne. If you suffer from acne, you may be confused as to what treatment to adopt. Before you decide on the treatment, it is important that you first determine the cause of the acne. Acne can be caused by a combination of factors. One major cause is explained below.

Unstable hormones

One leading cause of acne is instability of certain hormones in our body. This is the reason why most teenagers suffer from acne. During adolescence, certain hormones are produced in excess in the body. The excess hormones interfere with the normal functioning of the human body and cause acne break-outs on the skin. The other instances when there is a fluctuation in hormones is during pregnancy and menstruation. These are characterised by a sharp increase or decrease in specific hormones which lead to acne on the skin.

Another instance which can lead to acne is when a woman stops to take birth control pills. For birth control pills to be effective, they interfere with the hormonal action of the body. When a woman stops consuming them, the body has to adjust back to the normal way of functioning. This can cause acne break outs on the skin and other parts of the body. The hormone androgen is primarily responsible for the breakout of acne.

Laser acne treatment

Laser acne treatment is accepted worldwide to get rid of acne permanently. With laser acne treatment, there is complete reduction in the formation of acne. Laser acne treatment is a non-invasive painless procedure and hence many people have seen very positive results.