Self-harm scars are also a physical expression of a rough period for many people where they need an outlet to cope with an overwhelming circumstance, depressive emotions, or bad memories, often arising from a traumatic time. The biggest concern with self-harm scars, though is that they persist even after their root cause has been tackled and dealt with appropriately. For many people, what this means is that they are left living with a reminder of a dark period in their lives, which of course, will not only impede their rehabilitation, but also damage their self-esteem as they are left to address unwelcome questions regarding the cause of the marks.

What can help reduce self-harm scars?

But it doesn’t need to be like this. In recent years, scar therapies have come a long way, enabling clinics such as ours to treat self-harm scars the same way we would treat any other form of scarring. We know the optimal combination of therapies to give you the best possible outcomes, having successfully treated thousands of patients in the decades that we have been working. It is these decades of experience that allow clinics to make great changes in the appearance of self-harm scars, no matter how tempting it might be to go down the road of home remedies or use over-the-counter drugs, and these can not be balanced by any products that can be applied at home.

Scar Therapy Treatment We Can Offer

If you want to see a big long-term improvement in your self-harm scars’ colour and texture, then it’s time to book a consultation with one of our skin experts. They will be able to advise you about the right combination of therapies to substantially minimise the appearance of your self-harm scars until you no longer feel the need to cover them up, no matter what point of the healing process your scars are actually at.

We offer a variety of options when it comes to scar removal treatments. Since self-harm scars are no different from any other form of scarring, all our treatments for scar removal are ideal for enhancing their appearance. The scar removal treatments we provide include derma white treatment, marine peel treatment, collagen induction therapy, and advanced dermabrasion, as well as unique skin healing products from our Zaheda Skincare line, while one of our skin experts will advise you on the best combination for your particular concerns.

Take a look at our treatment page to find out more about scar removal at The Laser Treatment Clinic.