Stretch marks are found in both men and women. The cause can be anything from sudden weight loss or long time sickness. Stretch marks look bad on certain parts of your body like on your legs or back. If you have stretch marks and are planning to opt for laser stretch mark treatment then here are few facts you should know:

Sessions required and effectiveness of treatment

The number of sessions depends on the severity of the stretch marks. A minimum of three sessions is needed for any individual to lighten stretch marks. The effectiveness of the treatment depends on various factors like the area to be treated, the pigmentation of the skin and how well your skin reacts to the procedure. In most cases, immediate whitening can be noticed as the stretch marks fade. It will be followed by redness and a slightly bruised look skin that will disappear after a few days.

How does laser stretch mark removal treatment work?

The beam of light is absorbed by the cells that contain the pigment causing stretch marks. This light destroys these pigment granules without damaging the surrounding tissues or your complexion. It does not affect the upper layers of the skin.

No side effects

People avoid laser treatments fearing side effects. But these treatments do not have any. The redness on skin seen immediately after the treatment is just your skin reacting to the treatment. It is a temporary effect which shows that the treatment has worked on your skin.