Complete stretch mark removal is only possible through surgery. Listed below are a few tips on temporary stretch mark removal and reduction.

1) Massaging cocoa butter into the affected area is known to be effective in reducing stretch marks. Use cocoa butter or you can also make use of any cream or lotion that makes use of cocoa butter as an ingredient.

2) Use a skin brush or a loofah to exfoliate your skin. You can do this during a shower to exfoliate your skin. This will remove dead skin cells and reduce the visibility of stretch marks.

3) After taking a shower you can rub a cream with vitamin E into your skin. You can also use oils that contain vitamin E.

4) Eat foods that are high in vitamins such as A, C and E. These vitamins are known to form collagen. Collagen is the substance that helps to retain the firmness of the skin as it forms the supporting fibres of the skin.

5) Consume zinc-rich foods. These foods include nuts, fish and leafy vegetables. You can also use supplements.

6) Drink a lot of water. Water boosts circulation, which in turn helps to ensure that your skin remains hydrated.

7) Inculcate diets containing essential fatty acids. This includes oily fish, vegetables and vegetable oils.

In addition to these 7 important tips, it is seen that laser surgery is one of the most effective techniques in stretch mark removal. If you want flawless skin, you should consider this alternative.