Consider swapping your cup coffee for a cup of green tea.

Green tea is a natural component which contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties which helps to soothe the skin and produces marked improvements in conditions such as rosacea and psoriasis. When it is applied to the skin in a mask form or taken as a drink, it can reduce the over stimulation of skin hormones. This contributes to improving the appearance of the skin by combating acne and pimples from forming.

Green tea helps to roll back the years of ageing. When the skin is exposed to the sun’s UV rays, it creates free radicals which premature the skin and causes it to age. The antioxidants found in green tea fight against these free radicals to help maintain the skin’s youthfulness.

If that is not enough to tempt you, greed tea is also effective in cell renewal, aids damaged tissue or lesions and also helps to combat skin cancer.