Many people around the world suffer from mild to severe acne problems. Different treatments have been used but none of them have been completely successful in treating those ugly marks. Laser acne treatment is the only method that offers a complete cure for acne.

It is important to first understand what causes acne before deciding on the right treatment.

Skin disorder

Acne is a skin disorder of the pilosebaceous units which consists of a sebaceous gland, hair follicle and a hair strand. Pilosebaceous units are found everywhere on the body except for the palms, feet and the lower lip. They appear in great density on the face, upper neck and chest areas. Sebum is produced by sebaceous glands which help to keep skin and hair moisturised. During puberty, these sebaceous glands increase in size and start producing excess sebum due to the increased activity of the hormone androgen.

Acne and bacteria

A bacterium called Propionbacterium acnes (P acne) is a common inhabitant of human skin. It uses sebum released by sebaceous glands as a nutrient for its growth.

People who develop severe acne have a greater amount of P acne on their face. Due to the bacteria present, white blood cells are attracted to the follicles. These white blood cells attack the follicle and damage its wall which lets the contents flow out and enter the dermis. This causes an inflammatory reaction that can be seen as pimples, papules, nodules and pustules. The affected skin also becomes red and inflamed. P acne is also responsible for creating fatty acids. They act as irritants and increase the inflammation of the skin.

Laser acne treatment

Laser acne treatment is the safest procedure to treat acne. With laser acne treatment, the problem is dealt with from its roots, leaving no chance for their reappearance. Laser acne treatment has benefited millions of people and it is a painless, non-surgical procedure.