Stretch marks appear as scars on the skin. They are often caused during pregnancy or due to excessive weight gain or weight loss over a short period of time. They can also occur during puberty when the body goes through a period of growth.

A lot of products promise to treat stretch marks, but creams and lotions cannot remove the marks completely. This is why many people have started choosing laser stretch mark removal. Laser therapy is gaining a lot of popularity as it is a unique kind of advanced medical procedure.

Laser treatment on stretch marks is not at all painful. This is a very simple and easy process of cosmetic treatment. In this process, a laser beam is run over the affected skin, wherein the laser penetrates through the layers of skin. This, in turn, stimulates the collagen in the skin and forms new tissue. This new tissue forms new skin to take the place of the scars which are broken down by the laser.

The numbers of sessions you need to undergo will depend on the colour of your skin and the level of tissue damage because of the stretch marks.