Nowadays, many people are following the trend of tattooing. However, many people later come to regret the decision. Other methods of removing tattoos are not as effective as laser tattoo removal treatment. Tattoo inks are embedded deep in the skin, so the process of removing tattoos can be difficult.

One of the best things about laser tattoo removal treatment is that it is mainly painless. In addition to this, this treatment also helps in removing tattoos very quickly.

In laser treatment, a laser is focused on the tattoo which needs to be removed. The light helps in breaking the tattoo ink into several small particles which is later cleared by the body. There is a number of factors which affect the time frame of tattoo removal.

Size of the tattoos

This is one of the most important factors which influences the tattoo removal process. Larger tattoos need more sessions for complete removal.

Colours in the tattoos

Like the size of the tattoos, the colours also affect laser tattoo removal treatment. It has been shown that colours like black and red can be removed easily within a few sessions. Colours like white, green, yellow and orange take more removal time.

Thus, the time taken for complete tattoo removal varies from one patient to another.