In contrast to the idea that is professed in popular fiction novels, spots on the skin are not something that is just the bane of the average teenager. Different factors like tension, improper use of cosmetics and birth control pills are also likely to bring about blackheads, whiteheads and other inflammations on adult skin.

Getting worked up about acne is unnecessary as it is a natural occurrence. It can be treated with the help of cleansing creams and lotions for adults.

A more pressing concern, however, is the lasting scars that are left by these occasional out-breaks. There are some natural treatments you can try to get rid of any acne scars, such as:


Honey is believed to be a suitable restorative for acne scarring as it has natural enzymes which counteract the bacteria present in addition to getting rid of the scars. You are advised to apply the honey for around 15 minutes, after which you should splash your face with cold water.


Another useful cleanser for acne marks on the skin is a concoction of powdered oatmeal and rose water. By regular application of this home remedy – if not on a daily basis, at least twice a week -you are certain to have clear skin in no time. As with other treatments, natural cures do not agree with all skin types.b Therefore, you are advised to consult a skin specialist prior to applying these organic substances or any others before you begin this remedial acne treatment.

Laser treatment

Natural cures are not the only effective method of dealing with acne scars. For sensitive skin types, laser and light based therapies are an effective way to get rid of skin imperfections. The procedure, also referred to as laser resurfacing, is designed to cure not only scarring caused by acne but can also work for wrinkles and other skin defects. Commonly used treatments include the smoothbeam laser, fraxel laser and vbeam laser.