Acne skin problems affect a large number of people, no matter their age or skin tone. Adults, teenagers and even infants can be victims to acne. Acne treatment differs from person to person. As there are a variety of skin types and metabolic conditions among people, the acne treatment has to adapt to suit the individual.
Some of the advanced acne treatments involve a modern substitute to chemical peels. The non-surgical skin resurfacing process instantly reinstates smoother and younger looking skin.
Laser therapy and ultrasound treatment involve a form of deep-skin exfoliation, skin renewal and gentle removal of superficial layers that form the epidermis level of the skin. The process does not cause any form of damage but instead reveals beautiful and smoother skin. With frequent treatment you will notice stable progress in skin surface and outward glow. Improvement is occasionally evident from the initial couple of treatments and persists all the way through the treatment program.
These treatments are customised to meet your needs and are accepted by the Laser Protection Supervisor. The advantage of the treatments is their performance in accordance with the organic composition of the skin tissues.