In recent times, more and more people are opting for laser acne treatment. It is replacing the conventional methods of treating acne as antibiotics do not give desired results. Laser acne treatment is a preferred way of treating acne as it has minimum side-effects and is highly effective.

How is laser acne treatment carried out?

This procedure is carried out by the doctor using a laser pen. The doctor moves the concentrated beam of light back and forth while holding the laser pen just above the acne. The unwanted acne scar tissue is vapourised and a new surface is created for skin cell growth. Laser acne treatment brings about the formation of collagen which is a protein in the skin’s connective tissues that is responsible for skin texture.

Why opt for laser acne treatment?

Laser acne treatment is not a painful process but some people can experience redness of the skin or slight swelling. These effects disappear within seven to ten days. It is advisable to avoid the application of make – up on your skin until then.

Ensure that the laser clinic you wish to go to is trustworthy. Also, the equipments used during treatment should be well maintained and in good condition. Enquire about the skills of the person performing the treatment.

Laser acne treatment is a boon for people suffering from acne on a day-to-day basis. This treatment does not just treat severe acne, but also takes care of acne scars. The process can be very grueling but it is likely to give very good results. Laser acne treatment is gentle to the skin and highly effective.