Laser treatment has gained immense popularity in today’s technologically advanced world. If you are planning to undergo this treatment, it is good idea to gain some more knowledge on this topic. You can consult a skin specialist at a laser clinic to clear your doubts.

How does it work?

Oil production by sebaceous glands is the main culprit behind the development of acne. Laser treatment targets these glands and ensures that excess oil is no longer produced. The treatment is painless and works on the lower layers of the epidermis. Patients may experience a minor rash on their skin post treatment, which will fade over a short period of time. Dermatologists will assess whether your skin is suitable for the treatment before going ahead with the procedure.

Laser acne treatment must only be performed by specialised practitioners as it is a highly advanced treatment. Once the treatment has been performed, there are a few precautions you need to take. Avoid exposing the treated part of the body to direct sunlight until it has fully recovered. You may also need to take medication to prevent the onset of infection. Make a note of all the precautionary methods suggested by the doctor and make sure you comply with them.