Are you tired of shaving and waxing? Do you want to permanently remove unwanted hair from your body? If yes, then laser treatment could be the ideal solution for you. This is because compared to other hair removal methods, the treatment offers quick and permanent results. This means that you don’t need to worry about hair re-growth.

Laser hair removal treatment – How it is done?

During laser hair removal treatment, the lasers hit the hair follicles of the skin. This stops the growth of new hair. One of the best things about laser treatment is that it does not affect the cells and tissues which are located around hair follicles.

Why opt for laser treatment?

Today, many people undergo laser treatment because it is usually quite painless. This is possible because the doctor applies anaesthetic before the treatment- which numbs the area.

Areas from where lasers can remove unwanted hair

With the help of high-tech lasers, you can remove hair from almost all parts of the body including the face, chest, upper lip, legs, armpits, abdomen and pubic area.

This is why today, not only women but also men from all over the world are undergoing laser hair removal.