Do you want to combat the signs of aging? Laser treatment can now help you in your quest.

Laser treatment can help you remove unwanted birthmarks, adolescent freckles, prominent vein issues, wrinkles and tattoos. It can also remove any signs of sun damage. In hindsight, laser treatment can also be cheaper than any other form of temporary treatment. Laser treatment can be considered as a one time investment.

Dermal rejuvenation

In this process the outermost defective skin is removed and new, smoother, younger looking skin is seen. In a laser treatment session, a controlled light source is directed onto the affected area, burning away the affected epidermal skin. The growth of collagen is then stimulated. Collagen is the main component of connective tissues.

During the process of dermal rejuvenation, the heat from the laser is used to restrain collagen, so that new skin doesn’t grow back immediately. A complete treatment might take anything from a few minutes, to a couple of hours to complete.

Carbon dioxide, erbium and LUME laser treatment

There are two processes used in dermal rejuvenation therapy; ablative and non-ablative. The first process involves the use of a carbon dioxide laser for dealing with fine age lines and minor surface adjustments. The non-ablative process involves the use of an Erbium laser for the deeper problems.