Acne is a skin problem affecting millions of people. There are many causes of acne and it is often difficult to determine one cause. Some common causes are detailed below.

Hormonal changes

Many experts feel that this is the main cause of acne. There is a spurt in activity of these hormones during adolescence. This is why so many teenagers suffer from acne and black-heads. Pregnant women also commonly suffer from acne due to hormonal changes.

Make-up and skin care products

Applying a lot of make-up and keeping it on for a long time can clog pores. They are not able to breathe properly and a lot of dirt and oil can accumulate. Make-up also contains a lot of oily ingredients and this can affect the quality of the skin. Some moisturisers and skin products contain many ingredients which can contribute to the appearance of acne.

The role of laser acne treatment

Laser acne treatment is the best way of treating acne. With laser acne treatment, patients can permanently get rid of acne. Laser acne treatment produces optimum results and is usually painless- unlike some other acne removal treatments.