Now autumn is upon us and summer has ended, it is time to strip back and reassess our skin. Requirements of skincare change seasonally. Perhaps not many of us took quite as much care in the sun this year like well-known actress, Nicole Kidman. One of the best secrets of staying young is protection in the sun. A small amount of Vitamin D produced by the sun is essential for the skins vitality. However, excessive amounts can reveal earlier signs of ageing.

In the recent Cannes 2013 photos, we saw a fabulous Nicole Kidman wearing a rather large stylish hat, complete with oversized sunglasses. It was quite a disguise and if not for her famous guitarist husband, Keith Urban holding her hand, she might have gone unnoticed. To protect her most iconic feature, her porcelain rose skin, Kidman rolls back the years by staying out of the sun, wearing protective yet fashionable attire and religiously applying sunscreen.
There is little reason to pass through the colder months with dry, flaky and pigmented skin. The following are a few steps we can take to reverse the summer damage to our skin, whilst preparing and adjusting our skin to the weather change:

1) Exfoliation – Polishing/Brushing/Exfoliating the skin improves the circulation in our face and body. It helps to remove the build up of dead skin cells which preps the skin before moisturising and ensures we receive the optimum benefit of the moisturiser. You will find the best polishes and exfoliators to contain very fine densely packed granules to ensure the product does not simply roll over the skin’s surface but scratches the skin without marking.

Typically, this method can be used lightly once a day or up to 4 times a week with a stronger or more abrasive circular application. Helps to target dull uneven skin tone, fine lines and promotes a more youthful, fresher and smoother over all look.

2) Moisturising and Sunscreen – Even in the colder seasons, a high SPF should be applied. This creates habit and protection for those occasional winter sun days or ski holidays. Most moisturisers do not contain a high enough SPF so although a gruelling task, it is important to use a separate moisturiser and a separate sun screen. The correct moisturiser will not just give the appearance of making your skin look conditioned but will provide the longer terms benefits of replenished and hydrated skin whilst restoring your skin’s natural pH balance over use.

3) Note the changes in your skin – Look at your skin and examine how it changes as the temperature drops. Perhaps the eyes look red and tired and the lines on the face appear more prominent?

There are steps we can take at home to improve our skins over all texture. Our skin care regime should include cleansing, toning, exfoliating, applying sunscreen and moisturising the skin. It is vital before purchasing a product, to read what the product contains. Stay away from parabens, toxic, cheap and unhealthy ingredients which coat your skin and may encourage further damage. Instead, opt for superior natural ingredients rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

If you’re completely unsure what your skin needs, consult a laser skin specialist whose experience will ensure you find what your skin is looking for.

4) Stubborn Summer Marks – Changes in our skin condition are not limited to the face alone but extend to the body. Whilst an everyday skin care regime is vital, stronger treatments are recommended to treat specific skin conditions which develop. The strong summer sun and outdoor activity may leave some of us with darkening of the knuckles, knees and elbows, pigmentation on the face or marks from mosquito bites (courtesy of our recent trip to the Caribbean). Again, another reason to consult a laser skin specialist.

5) Sleep skin care – Our skin rejuvenates and does most of its healing when we are asleep. Before getting your 8 hours sleep, apply night cream not only around your eyes but also to areas such as your forehead and neck area. The correct night creams help to target lines, redness, puffiness, dark circles and improves the skins contour. Make sure your night cream has rich and healthy ingredients to reap maximum reward.

It never goes amiss to say our body functions on the right foods and water. Find out which foods are right for you based on which vitamin or nutrient your body is lacking. Water keeps us hydrated and helps the organs to function properly. The skin is the largest organ in the body so make sure you are getting your 8 glasses of water a day.

Written by: Sophie Hafez