Laser hair removal is one of the best ways of removing unwanted hair from the body. Unlike other methods such as waxing and shaving, laser treatment will help you to get rid of hair on a long term basis. During the procedure, a laser targets the area where you want to remove unwanted hair from.

Laser hair removal is very safe, which is why it’s so popular. If you’re planning on undergoing this treatment, you need to understand how the process works.

How laser treatment is performed

During treatment, a laser is used, with the help of xenon flash lamps which give out a bright light. The whole process is generally made up of three steps. The first step involves shaving and cleaning the area where you want the hair removed from. In the second step, the cream is applied to the area, before a laser targets the skin. This laser directly hits the hair follicle, which stops the growth of hair.

How long will the process take?

In order to be effective, you may need to undergo the process around six to eight times. The time taken for the procedure differs from person to person, as it depends on the skin, hair growth cycle and the density of hair.

Before undergoing the treatment, consult a professional London laser hair removal clinic.