Acne problems can be nasty and conventional treatments can be ineffectual or even painful. Similarly, getting rid of a tattoo can be painful. These are two skin related issues which may be difficult and painful to treat.

But not any more. Technology has brought us the latest, best and most painless method of treatment – laser therapy.

How it works:

A laser is a device that emits electromagnetic radiation. This light is used to degrade and destroy skin cells causing various problems. Laser light also enhances the production of collagen and elastin tissue. These are tissues which are responsible for the structure of the skin. Thus it kills old cells and encourages the growth of new ones.

Benefits of laser treatment:

• It is the latest technology for the treatment of skin problems
• It is a safe method of treatment
• It concentrates on a particular area of the skin and not around it
• You experience little to no pain
• It works quickly – treatment procedures does not require much time and the effects are almost immediate
• Side effects are rare, minimal and mostly not long lasting where they do occur
• It prevents treated problems from arising again