We all know that sunscreen is essential during the day, especially during the sunnier months of the year. However, many of us are unaware of the effects of UV rays when we are sitting indoors. In reality, you are still at risk of UV damage if you are inside a car or sitting near a window in your home as the glass won’t protect you from the damaging rays. With so many of us now spending time indoors and working from home, it is more important than ever to be aware of the dangers of sitting near a sunlit window, and what you can do to improve any sun damage that has already occurred.

Indoor Sun Damage

As with any kind of sun damage, indoor sun damage occurs due to exposure to harmful UV rays. Both UVA and UVB rays damage your skin, although the effects of UVB rays can be seen far more quickly than those of UVA rays. Your windows protect you from the shorter UVB rays, which is why most of us feel safe spending time by a sunny window as we don’t suffer any immediate consequences like sunburn. However, what the glass doesn’t protect you from are UVA rays which penetrate deeper into the skin causing long-lasting damage like wrinkles, pigmentation and even skin cancer.

Preventing Indoor Sun Damage

So, what can you do to prevent this damage from occurring? The simplest way to do so is by using an SPF. A broad-spectrum sunscreen offers the best protection against sun damage, protecting against both UVA and UVB rays whether you are outside or indoors.

Dealing with Existing Sun Damage

If, like most people, you already suffer from sun damage, worry not. The expert team at our Harley Street clinic can help you significantly improve the look of any existing damage using two of our most popular sun damage treatments: photo-rejuvenation and advanced dermabrasion.

Photo-rejuvenation treatment

Our photo-rejuvenation treatment involves the use of IPL to treat pigmentation, sun spots, redness, and broken capillaries caused by sun damage, creating a more even-toned complexion. Photo-rejuvenation can also be used to address other tell-tale signs of sun damage, including wrinkles and textural issues and promote the stimulation of collagen and elastin over time.

Advanced Dermabrasion

Using medical-grade crystals, our advanced dermabrasion treatment is suitable for all skin types and works on the upper layers of the skin to exfoliate and trigger the body’s natural wound healing response leading to rejuvenation. This helps to generate collagen and elastin, the two proteins that are often lost as a result of sun damage, leading to skin looking older. Thus leaving the skin smoother and fresher looking.

Derma White Treatment

Our exclusive Derma White Treatment is suitable for all skin types and gives a natural exfoliation to the upper layers of the skin to clear Sun Damage, Hyperpigmentation, Skin Pigmentation, Marks, Blemishes and Uneven Skin Tone, leaving your skin with a clearer and brighter skin tone.