Many people who apply make-up every morning often wish there was a way they could save time and money by having a more permanent solution. This is why semi-permanent make-up has become so popular, as it allows people to have everything from eyebrows, beauty spots and lip liner permanently applied.

Semi-permanent make-up is applied using a cosmetic tattooing procedure, which generally lasts for around four to five years before fading. The problem with this is that many people change their minds, and find themselves stuck with their cosmetic tattoos for this period. You may like the idea of not having to apply your make-up every day at the start of the five years, but you may not feel the same as time goes on.

Laser tattoo removal treatment is this solution to this particular problem, and it has been specially developed to remove cosmetic tattoos. Using the laser, the ink in the tattoo is broken down into smaller particles that the body’s immune system is able to remove. This means that after a few treatments, the tattoo fades gradually without any need for scarring or a painful and lengthy healing process.