For many women, hair removal is a seemingly endless battle. The same depilatory routine is repeated week in-week out, effectively wasting time that could be spent doing something much more fun or important.

What’s more, we often spend a fortune on hair removal creams, razors, epilators and many other gadgets, gizmos and products that promise to make hair removal easier.

Thank goodness then, that there is now a better, faster and cheaper way to remove unwanted body hair. Laser technology has advanced rapidly in the last few years, and laser hair removal treatment is now much more effective and widely available. In fact, the technology has improved so much that it can now be used to treat paler hair colours, which were difficult to target in the past.

How does it work?

Laser hair removal treatment can be used on virtually any part of the body, and it is suitable for both men and women and nearly all skin types. The method works by targeting the melanin in the hair shaft and follicle and destroying its ability to grow new hair. This means that after 6-12 treatments, you should notice a drastic reduction in the amount of hair on the affected area.