Here at The Laser Treatment Clinic, our skincare professionals are asked countless times whether or not you need to change your skincare routine for the summer season. And the answer is fairly simple; there are certain alterations that can be made to keep your skin looking and feeling naturally healthy throughout the duration of summer.

In this article, we will take you through what elements of your skincare routine can be altered and provide recommendations for the best summer skincare products.

Skin care routine changes

In the winter months, we usually tend to apply heavier skincare creams to combat the cold and dry air we face when we leave the house. Thankfully, in the summer months, the temperatures rise and so does the humidity. This means that we can put down the creams and switch to serums and gel moisturisers.

Serums and gels provide enough moisture for the skin in higher humidity and add a natural dewiness to your complexion that works to defend against free radical damage and fights off the signs of aging. Continuing to apply heavier creams throughout the warmer months could lead to clogged pores and breakouts.

Skin care products for Summer

The general rule with summer skincare products are the lighter the better, you need to allow your skin time to breathe whilst also protecting and soothing your complex. Here are The Laser Treatments top recommended skincare products this summer.

Ocean Tone Face Toner

Ocean toner is great for purifying the skin’s complexion without upsetting its natural equilibrium. It leaves your skin feeling hydrated, refreshed and nourished which is perfect for the summer months as it allows your skin to breathe naturally. This toner can be used as necessary through the day to keep the skin fresh.

Marine Fluid Shine Free Face Moisturiser

The marine fluid shine free face moisturiser is an ultra light fluid moisturiser that helps restore the skin’s natural pH balance. The science-led formula contains high levels of superior marine and botanical actives that work with the skin to produce a smooth and healthy balanced complexion.

Sea Collagen Marine Serum Face Moisturiser

The sea collagen marine serum face moisturiser help maintain skins natural healthy glow in this light serum. It contains high levels of superior marine and botanical actives that work with the skin to add a natural dewiness to your complexion. Wakame Sea Kelp ensures it can also fight off the signs of ageing.

For the best results, we recommend combining the marine fluid shine free face moisturiser or sea collagen marine serum face moisturiser with our ocean tone face toner. Just drop us an email for further skin care advise on what would be best for your skin.