Remember the survey carried out by St. Tropez to coincide with Sun Awareness Week? Let me refresh your memory with a few choice statistics: 20% of Brits believe the old adage ‘no pain, no gain’ when it comes to tanning, believing that burning will result in a better tan. The same number of people claims to feel under pressure to come home from their holidays with a tan.

So, it probably comes as no surprise that according to one poll conducted by an online travel agent, more than sixty per cent of British holiday makers end up with sunburn when they go on holiday, resulting in an average of two days spent subsequently hiding in the shade.

The most common reasons for sunburn seem to include forgetting to reapply the cream or choosing an SPF that is too low. It would seem that despite the health warnings, we still aren’t getting the message about the dangers of exposing our skin to the sun.

Even the threat of wrinkles, fine lines, enlarged pores, age spots, thread veins and other signs of premature ageing is simply not enough to encourage people to slap on the sun cream, it would seem.