Remember the teenager from California who posted a video on YouTube explaining how she conceals her acne? She claims that when she made the video, she hoped to help at least one person; instead, it has been watched by millions and has had over seven and a half million hits around the world.
In the video, the nineteen year old demonstrates the severity of her skin condition and how she uses various lotions, concealers and foundation to hide the blemishes that appear all over her face, neck, chest shoulders and back. The results are impressive and have offered comfort to many acne sufferers world-wide.
Developing the techniques in response to unrelenting bullying at school, the teen now has a career in modelling and hopes to develop her own range of skincare products. If you suffer from acne, then you could pick up some useful tips from watching her video.
In the next article, we will look at how learning application techniques needs to be accompanied by suitable products and hygienic practices, so that you don’t make your active acne worse as you try to hide it.