Are you self conscious because of the state of your acne? This is a common problem during adolescence. However, many people are left clueless on how to treat this occurring problem. Mentioned below are some of the more popular and effective treatment methods for acne.

Several prescribed medications are available these days, including antibiotics. These medicines, if taken regularly, may reduce the acne. However, this process takes rather a long time to yield the desired results. Moreover, this method cannot guarantee long lasting results. It is important that you consult your doctor before purchasing these medications and they may not work for everyone.

Acne removal creams
Acne removal creams are readily available as an over-the-counter treatment. These creams are known to sometimes produce faster results as compared to certain medications. However, you still might have to wait for months for the results. Ensure that you perform a skin test prior to using acne removal creams as this will help you identify if you are allergic to the cream.

Laser acne treatment
This is a highly popular procedure these days. It is known for its painless nature with minimal side effects. The procedure begins when the surgeon directs the laser over the affected parts. This eliminates the bacteria causing acne on the face. The laser also reduces the output of oil glands. This will curb the spread of acne and reduce acne breakouts. Some of the superior benefits of acne removal are as follows:

  • Rapid results
  • Long term positive effects
  • Minimal side effects

It is thus evident that laser acne treatment is the best alternative for curing this problem.