Apparently, according to various new studies, compounds found in wine / chocolate / coffee have been found to be beneficial either in preventing or treating sun damaged skin. Flavonoids, for example, are found in grapes and also in red wine, and can block chemical changes that take place within the skin on exposure to sunlight. These chemical changes are associated with subsequent skin damage.

While it all sounds a little too good to be true, developments in the understanding of causes and treatments for sun damaged skin can only be a good thing. But before you decide to replace your factor 40 with a bar of fruit and nut and a cappuccino, remember that prevention is always better than a cure, and that it is always better to err on the side of caution by making sure you apply sunblock regularly.

And if your skin is already displaying the signs of sun damage, then start looking into the treatments that can improve its appearance and make it worth protecting. Photo rejuvenation treatment is great for eliminating all those wrinkles, pigmentation and thread veins, while microdermabrasion laser treatment removes damaged old skin to reveal a fresh complexion.

And while there’s no need to stay off the wine, chocolate or coffee, maybe just don’t rely on it for your sun protection just yet…