Acne and acne scarring can be reduced by laser skin treatment

Posted on 24 Feb, 2011

Laser treatment for acne not only removes the scarring on your face, but also the red spots caused due to pimples and marks. Acne has been observed to be a skin condition for people of all age groups. Laser acne treatment offers treatment for scars and acne. Laser acne treatment offers remarkable results and helps you with smooth skin and a higher degree of self-confidence.

How does this work?

In laser acne treatment, a light of high intensity is passed through a system which would eradicate the acne bacteria that causes the infection. It causes the skin to heat up and produce collagen which assists in the quick healing process. It also induces the process of repairing skin naturally. The cause of acne is almost eliminated. You may find that your skin is less oily due to the shrinking or elimination of sebaceous glands. This can also resist secondary infections leading to the discolouration by demolishing bacterium. The scars reduce visibly. The laser penetrates deeper enhancing the texture of the skin along with the appearance.

The procedure

A gel is applied on the surface of the skin to be treated. The process is pain and trouble free. The redness of skin is actually fresh new skin waiting to emerge. You will be able to resume your normal life immediately after the treatment as there is no need for a long healing process.

The laser treatment for acne is highly effective and has brought a new level of self confidence and assurance to many.