Pigmentation is something that affects a fair number of people and some of its manifestations are something we barely notice. For instance, freckles are a good example of pigmentation at its most common. However, pigmentation occurs in black skin it is often more noticeable and more of a problem for those who experience it. So Identifying Pigmentation in Black Skin

Nothing serious

Pigmentation in black skin doesn’t denote any serious pathology or anything like that. It’s harmless. It’s not an indication that you are suffering from anything sinister. All of its ill-effects are cosmetic in the sense that they have to do with appearance rather than underlying physiological things.

Identifying pigmentation in black skin is simply about looking for inconsistencies in skin tone. The condition usually reveals itself in pale patches that interrupt the uniformity of the complexion.

Injury and illness

However, pigmentation can also occur after an injury or because of an inflammatory skin condition. As a result of the skin’s natural healing process, the area affected may end up showing signs of pigmentation that’s the very opposite of those pale patches.

The patches given rise to post-injury are usually darker than the surrounding areas of skin and may darken over time rather than gradually fade to a more uniform shade.


Both types of pigmentation are treatable with laser skin treatment. The important thing is to look out for the symptoms: the appearance of patches on the surface of the skin that is a different shade to your normal skin tone. Keep an eye for dark patches as well as light patches and you find anything that you are particularly concerned about, talk to a dermatologist or laser treatment specialist to see what you can do about it.


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