There are a number of different skin pigmentation disorders that can affect many people day to day. Skin pigmentation issues are incredibly common, and can leave people feeling insecure in their skin. Skin pigmentation disorders cause the skin to become darker or lighter than usual, and can lead to patches of discoloration on the body and face.

At The Laser Treatment Clinic, we offer a wide range of treatments to help improve skin pigmentation problems. From laser therapy to other non-invasive options, we can help you achieve the skin of your dreams. Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about skin pigmentation disorders below.


Melasma is a skin pigmentation condition that causes dark patches of skin that usually appear on your face. These spots are always darker than your natural skin tone, making it a form of hyperpigmentation. 

The causes of melasma are often one of two things. Either exposure to UV light, or hormonal influences. Many pregnant women develop melasma during their pregancy as it is thought to be triggered by a rise in the female sex hormones, oestrogen and progesterone.

Melasma can go away on its own after a while, or it can last for a lifetime. If you have melasma and wish to treat it, there are a number of ways we can help. Laser therapy is a popular option when it comes to treating melasma. Laser treatment involves heating up the skin to encourage the production of collagen, allowing for a more even looking appearance.

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation 

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is a skin pigmentation disorder caused by inflammation. This inflammation can come from inflammatory conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. Post-inflammatory inflammation occurs when your cells respond to damage by producing more melanin. This results in the uneven pigmentation.  

Luckily, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation does eventually go away on its own, usually within 2 years. However, if you wish to speed things up and get rid of it sooner rather than later, we have effective treatments waiting for you. 

For severe cases of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, laser therapy is offered. This works by either removing the top layer of skin (ablative lasers) or heating up the skin to produce more collagen (non-ablative lasers). Our skincare specialists will assess your skin and determine the right kind of treatment for you. If you suffer from hyperpigmentation due to post-inflammatory inflammation and you wish to seek treatment, look no further than our team of friendly professionals at The Laser Treatment Clinic. Where we offer laser treatments and other non-invasive options to treat this condition.

If you’re seeking treatment for a skin pigmentation disorder, why not book your free consultation with us here.